Effective Sept. 10, 2024, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services automatically extended the validity of Permanent Resident Cards (also known as Green Cards) to 36 months for lawful permanent residents who file Form I-90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card.

Lawful permanent residents who properly file Form I-90 to renew an expiring or expired Green Card may receive this extension. Form I-90 receipt notices had previously provided a 24-month extension of the validity of a Green Card.
USCIS has updated the language on Form I-90 receipt notices to extend the validity of a Green Card for 36 months from the expiration date on the face on the face of the current Green Card for individuals with a newly filed Form I-90 renewal request. On Sept. 10, USCIS began printing amended receipt notices for individuals with a pending Form I-90.
Please, contact Darren Heyman, a Las Vegas Immigration Attorney, for more information.